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Missing My Friend 思念友人

Missing My Friend     思念友人 'Autumn Night Sent to Qiu Yuanwai’ by Gao Yihuai, Beijing 2016.《秋夜寄邱员外》韦应物诗,高一怀书

Gao's calligraphy salutes the Tang Dynasty poem by Wei Yingwu, in which Wei expresses a longing for his reclusive friend. 怀君属秋夜,散步咏凉天。空山松子落,幽人应未眠。Missing you on this late autumn night,Walking around feeling cold on these frosty days.Thinking now of the empty mountain but for the falling pine nuts, Reclusive friend would not be sleeping.I love ...

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‘Gesang Flowers on The Grassland’ 草原上的格桑花

‘Gesang Flowers on The Grassland’
 草原上的格桑花 ‘Gesang Flowers on The Grassland’ 草原上的格桑花 by Laoyuan, 2017

In Tibetan culture, the Gesang flower (the tiny Sims Azalea) has three great meanings:The first is 'happiness and beauty'.The second is to be 'cherished in the present'. (Fading soon after flowering, the Gesang flower is a reminder to appreciate good things while you have them.)The third is 'perseverance'. (Although its blooms fade, the Gesang flow...

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  2512 Hits

Zhongkui 鍾馗: Fierce Deity & Protector

Zhongkui 鍾馗: Fierce Deity and Protector ‘Exorcise Evil’ 驱邪图 by Laoyuan 老元 (Pan Yuan).

The painting depicts Zhongkui (鍾馗), a fierce deity in Chinese mythology who exorcises evil spirits. His image is displayed in homes and businesses for protection. It's said that Zhongkui gained top honors in the imperial examinations, but the emperor denied him the title of Zhuangyuan (top scorer), due to his appearance. In a suicidal rage, Zhongku...

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  2203 Hits

心印家山,境因情生: 读孙志刚山水写生 文/萧玉田


写生是画家的必练之功,可以培养作画者敏锐的观察能力和概括能力,为创作搜集积累素材,夯实创作基础。凡有成就的画家,均坚持到生活中去,到大自然中去,采风、写生,记录生活,感知生活,提炼生活。 志刚在写生上投入了大量精力与情感。他是我的同事,驻会协助我料理中国工笔画学会会务工作多年,冗务缠身。但他只要能抽出身来,就会背上画夹,带上画具,深入基层、深入生活,到乡下去、到山上去,坚持写生。 他是山水画家,多作山水写生。先后到过京郊十渡、爨底下村,河北宁晋的北太行和河南新乡、山西陵川的南太行,安徽黄山,海南儋州、三亚、五指山,辽宁本溪关门山和铁刹山,新疆库尔勒铁门关、轮台胡杨林等地采风写生,速写稿盈箱累箧,收获颇丰。他游弋于山水林泉之中,仰观俯察,目之所及,尽是崇山峻岭、古村山居、溪汀水口、石罅流泉、野...

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  2789 Hits

Poets,Liquor and a Masterpiece!

Langtingjixu Wang Xizhi

Look up at the 'Lantingji Xu'. It's a masterpiece that wasn't planned – it just happened. I like that. Written by governor/poet/calligrapher Wang Xizhi in AD353, it's the preface to a collection of poems written by literati who'd gathered at Wang's invitation for a day of writing and revelry. They spent the day drinking wine spirit, ...

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国际书画圈是国际书画家协会(IUCP)联合中国书画国际大学、澳大利亚书法家协会、澳大利亚书画家协会等艺术专业团体静心打造的针对艺术家的艺术品全球跨境推介与交易平台。 国际书画圈是全球书画艺术界的第一大平台 威廉•菲尔德, 2021 欢迎全球各地的书画艺术家入驻国际书画圈。

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